Kathy Wyatt

Fruit-Filled Living

Fruit-Filled Living (Part 8) “Mr. Goodstuff, Who Do You Think You Are? ”  (Galatians 5:22) “The fruit of the Spirit is …Goodness” (NKJV)   Introduction:  If you want to lose weight, one fruit diet says you must eat nine fruits a day. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best source of energy and nutrition. One of…

A Tale of Two Kings

Submitted by Pastor Bill Burnham June 2024 –  A Tale of Two Kings  It is summertime and many are working on their beach or pool bodies! It’s the time of year when many are focused on their looks. So, let me ask a strange question. Do you want to be a better person today than…

A Happy Father’s Day

A Happy Father’s Day  Psalms 128 Introduction: This is Father’s Day. And although dads, we may take second place on special our day to mothers on Mother’s Day, don’t let that discourage you because, we are more and more understanding the importance of a father’s role in the family. In the ideal family, God intends for…

A Mother Worthy of Honor

A Mother Worthy of Honor (Prov. 31:28-31) Introduction: In the Old Testament the principle was established by God in the giving of the Law. Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be prolonged in the land which the LORD your God gives you. In the New Testament the principle is…

The Last Word

The Last Word (Part 4)  The Trust Ability of the Word (Matthew 5:18) Introduction: Today, we are concluding our sermon series “The Last Word.” I titled this series that way because I believe the Bible is God’s book and God’s word!  As such it should be the last word, the place where we go to find…

Easter Joy

Easter Joy (Part 2)  1 Corinthians 15:22-23 Theme: The assurance and hope the resurrection of Jesus brings us Introduction: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the essential tenant of our faith! There are well over three hundred verses concerned with the subject of Jesus’ resurrection in the New Testament. Paul’s chapter on the Resurrection in…

Easter Joy Part 2

For those Tanglewood church members that wanted the Listening Guide available before the YouTube Church Service and Sermon on March 31, 2024 see the link below.  Once the complete Service has been delivered, a copy of the Service link and Listening Guide will also be placed on Twrtimes under Church News, Listening Guide.  The Service…