States Well Stated


OR – WELCOME TO NEW HAMPSHIRE! So now we move back east to one of the original colonies, New Hampshire! The “Live Free or Die” state. But did you know that the State’s motto was not the whole story? The sentence, as originally delivered by General John Stark (no relation to the Starks of Winterfell,…

More than Vegas!

Nevada is a lot more than Las Vegas you know. It is a relative new comer state, entering the Union as a State on Halloween in 1864 as our 36th State. But the area that became Nevada did not come under U.S. control until the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848. Prior to that…

Welcome to Montana!

I know you are expecting me to say something about “Big Sky Country”, but that is just sort of what they settled on. It could have just as easily been “Big Bird Country”. For example, did you know that just north of Missoula there exists the largest nesting community of the common loon in the…