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Tanglewood Newsletter πŸ“° October

The Tanglewood Newsletter for October with our Thanks to our Community Manager Angi Cummins for her help in getting this on twrtimes as a mobile option. πŸ‘   October Newsletter      

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My Word! October 8

Vesicant Ves-i-cant Noun An agent (such as a chemical weapon) that induces blistering Under the right circumstances, boiling...

My Word! October 1

Urial Uri-al Noun An upland wild sheep (Ovis vignei) of southern and central Asia which is reddish...

My Word! September 24

Tholobate   Thol-o-bate Noun The circular structure or base of a dome The colonnaded tholobate under the Capitol dome...

My Word! September 3

Quarterdeck Quar-ter-deck Noun the stern area of a ship’s upper deck; a part of the deck...

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Tanglewood Newsletter πŸ“° October

The Tanglewood Newsletter for October with our Thanks to our Community Manager Angi Cummins...

  Enter here to find the services you might need.....many of these businesses have workedΒ ...

Light Up Tanglewood πŸŽ„Needs Your Help

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