Word of the Week

An unusual word is taught every week, complete with pronunciation and definition.

My Word! – July 22

Klipspringer klip·​spring·​er Noun A small African antelope found from Cape Colony to Somaliland. “The Zoo” recently featured an episode about the relocation of a herd of klipspringer that I enjoyed. Probably not found in English before we found then cute little guys (and they are cute).

My Word! – July 15

Jiffy Jif-fy Noun Believe it or not there is an actual definition beyond a small amount of time.  A jiffy is 1/100th of a second. No one can get their grocery shopping done in a jiffy on the day before Thanksgiving. While the origin is unknown it traces back to 1779, maybe attached to the…

My Word! – July 8

Ichthyotoxism ich·​thyo·​tox·​ism Noun Poisoning from fish or fish venom   Improper handling of puffer fish can result in ichthyo​toxism.   Again Merriam-Webster was no help in tracking down how long we have had a word for the problem, but I am certain Latin and/or Greek were involved.

My Word! July 1

Hebephrenia he·​be·​phre·​nia Noun a form of schizophrenia characterized especially by incoherence, delusions lacking an underlying theme, and affect that is usually flat, inappropriate, or silly a form of dementia occurring at puberty   Joaquim Phoenix received the Best Actor award in part for how well he depicted hebephrenia in “The Joker”. This one comes from…

My Word! – June 24

Giaour   Adjective that I have no idea how to pronounce One outside of the Islamic faith; infidel   Since he was born well before Mohammed, Nero was definitely a giaour.   This one harkens back to 1564, and does not come from Latin.  In fact it comes from French, who got it from Italian…

My Word! – June 10

Epizeuxis ep·​i·​zeux·​is Noun   the immediate repetition of a word or phrase for rhetorical or poetic effect   “War is hell, hell” the major muttered as he looked over the field of casualties.   Could not find when this word first appeared but for a change it goes back to LATE Latin, who stole it…

My Word! – May 20

Bibliomania Bib-lio-ma-nia Noun an extreme preoccupation with the collecting of books a craze for books or reading   Some say that Shirley has a touch of bibliomania.   This one comes from French and is traced back to the letters of French physician Guy Patin and a letter from 1652.  It is first used in…