HomeActivitiesActivity NewsSeptember TMAC Meeting

September TMAC Meeting

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Summer’s over and the snow-birds are quickly migrating back to Tanglewood. On Wednesday, September 18th the TMAC meeting began the first of five months left in this season.

There was a question at the beginning whether a quorum was met and it was. TMAC currently has twenty-three committees. Approximately eight committee chairs were absent. The TMAC system is set up for either the chair or vice chair to be a full-time resident so they can attend meetings when the other is absent. If both are away, any member can represent their committee if the chair communicates with the board officers of their intent.Β Β 

President, Gary Braun had important news to share with the board concerning results from an Advisory Committee appointed over the summer. There were three policies to review and offer possible ways to address the issues.Β  Removal of a Committee Member, Compensation, and Conflict of Interest were the topics of discussion.Β 

The board met the newly appointed Activities Director. There was discussion about a calendar for events being made available to residents. The new director stated this was her first day on the job but she would look into it.

Special Events chair, Donna Scorse, gave recognition to Tom Finocchio. Tom has been in charge, for many years, of directing the set up and take down of tables and chairs for Special Events and other events here in the clubhouse. He made sure they were returned back in their appropriate position with the help from each committee or group who used the clubhouse. Tom did a fantastic job for many years and we thank him for his leadership, dedication and commitment to this volunteer job. He has since retired and so there is a vital need for someone new to step up and take over. If anyone feels they are up to the task, please inform one of the board members.Β 

There was a glitch with the audio that kept occurring during the meeting. Microphones were placed on the tables for anyone who was speaking. They are placed there for two reasons. First, so the audience could hear what was being discussed. Second, because we record the meetings audio and visual. This was passed by the board a couple years ago. This particular meeting was especially challenging for the Tech dept. because…. Nearly half of the meeting had no audio. People were talking, but very few actually picked up the microphone when speaking. The mics were turned on and had plenty of battery life. But not a creature was heard in the whole clubhouse if it stayed on the table it was quiet as a mouse.


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