A Happy Father’s Day

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A Happy Father’s Day  Psalms 128

Introduction: This is Father’s Day. And although dads, we may take second place on special our day to mothers on Mother’s Day, don’t let that discourage you because, we are more and more understanding the importance of a father’s role in the family. In the ideal family, God intends for there to be a mother and a father for those children. So, when we want to know what the role of the mother and father is supposed to be in the home, we go to the Bible to find out. When it comes to fathers, in the Bible, you’ll find fathers that were good fathers, and you find fathers that were bad fathers. The Bible tells the real in a situation. However, the Bible also presents us the ideal. It shows the biblical principles, models, and examples of how a father is intended to be; and what God wants a father to be. When we go to the Word of God, we do so to get some help.  So, on this special day for our dads, that is what I want to do – turn to the Bible to get some help. This morning I’m looking at what I call the ”Happy Father’s Day Psalm.” If you want to be a happy father and if you want to have a happy Father’s Day, this psalm gives us the help we need to accomplish both.

Listening Guide – A Happy Father’s Day

Service and Sermon – A Happy Father’s Day

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