It is with EXTREME pleasure that I share with you………. that TANGLWOOD once again, has stepped up to the plate to demonstrate how we take care of our own.
We have defined who we are and what we stand for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We have had two benefits recently and way too close together………Not only that, but they also fell around and through the holiday season when there are tons and tons of places that need your money and donations. Money is tight……..prices have soared everywhere………..people have problems……………..but Tanglewood has made a statement about who we are and where our values stand.
I am so proud to be a part of this extraordinary community. YOU raised/contributed a little over $10,500 for the Sandy Deavers benefit.
I hope you are as proud as I am. The fact that we were able to raise two substantial amounts of money to help our neighbors is an extraordinary thing!