The Christmas Story (Part 4)
The Other Side of Christmas
Luke 2:25–40
Introduction: This week after Christmas can feel like the “dead zone”—low energy, low enthusiasm. But here’s the good news: Christmas doesn’t have to end. In scripture, we’re invited to live on the other side of Christmas, just like Anna, Simeon, and even Mary.
Today, I would like us to examine their stories so we can continue to enjoy Christmas all year long they these did. Let’s start with Anna’s story…
Listening Guide – The Christmas Story (Part 4)
Service and Sermon – The Christmas Story (Part 4) – No video due to technical issues
The Christmas Story (Part 2)
Christmas Prepared in Heaven
(Heb. 10:5-7; 2:9-18)
Introduction: Imagine the heavenly scene. The eternal Son of God, in perfect glory with the Father, prepares to leave heaven for earth. He turns to the Father and says, as recorded in Hebrews 10:7, “Behold, I have come to do Your will, O God.” This was no ordinary goodbye. This was the beginning of a rescue mission planned before the foundation of the world. Christmas is more than shepherds and stars and wise men—it’s the commencement of a divine journey that would transform history. The issue is not that Christ came on that first Christmas, that is well documented. The real issue is why did He come? Jesus didn’t just come on that first Christmas; He came for a reason. Hebrews 2:9-18 unfolds the “why” behind His coming. Let’s explore this through five powerful truths what that first Christmas accomplished. When Jesus came…
Listening Guide – The Christmas Story (Part 2)
Service and Sermon – The Christmas Story (Part 2)
Tell Me the Old, Old Story: The Christmas Prophecies
Isa. 9:6-7
Introduction: There is just something about the power of a good story. Today, I want to talk to you about a story— so beautiful, so powerful, and so life-changing that it’s been told for thousands of years. It’s not just any story; it’s “the story.” Of course I’m talking about “The Christmas Story,” the story of Jesus Christ, His coming, His birth, and His mission. This is “the story” of God stepping into history to change everything! And here’s the twist: this story didn’t begin in Bethlehem (as many believe). No, this story was told long before the angels proclaimed it, or the shepherds or wisemen came. In fact, it may surprise you to know, this is a story that is woven through the pages of the Old Testament, as prophets, priests, and kings all pointed to the same hope: the coming of Jesus Christ. So today, I want to tell you “The old, old story.”