HomeChurch NewsThe Church Today (Part 6) The Fellowship of the Church 

The Church Today (Part 6) The Fellowship of the Church 

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The Church Today (Part 6)  The Fellowship of the Church  (I Corinthians 1:10-16)

Theme: The church’s role in promoting harmony

Introduction: We have been talking about the doctrine of “The Church Today”.  The last time we were together we talked about the function of the church from I Corinthians 12, and Romans 12, and Ephesians 4.

We acknowledged; everybody is somebody in the Lord’s body.  And we have seen the members of the body of Christ must work and walk together to be the body of Christ in a dynamic way, sharing His life on this earth.

Now the message today, as we wrap up this very important series of messages on the doctrine of the church today, is about the fellowship of the church, the fellowship of the body.

The apostle Paul is writing to the church at Corinth. Paul comes to talk about division in this passage and he lays the responsibility for division at the very door of the church at Corinth itself.  In this passage, Paul addresses several things…

Church now is the time! Let’s join hands today and cooperate together in the name of Christ.

Listening Guide The Church Today Part 6 The Fellowship of the Church

March 17, 2024 Service and Sermon The Fellowship of the Church


The Church Today (Part 5) The Function of the Church (I Corinthians 12:12-26)

Theme:The way God intends for the church to carry out its task on earth.

Introduction: We have been talking about the doctrine of “The Church Today”. Now, God formed the church (the body of Christ) on the day of Pentecost (Ac.2) when He sent the Holy Spirit to indwell all believers and empower them for ministry. So, today we are going to talk about “The Function of The Church”. How does God intend for the New Testament church to function and carry out the ministry that God has given to us? Paul addresses this subject in I Corinthians 12 and several other parts of the New Testament. But in I Corinthians 12 Paul is discussing the matter of spiritual gifts. (that which empowers us for ministry) The reason for this study is the church is the body of Christ on this earth. (v.27) Now that Jesus has gone back to heaven, He continues to do His work here on earth through a body, (The church) which is the body of Christ. So, to illustrate the function of the church and how the church is to minister, and how the church is to move, the apostle Paul uses an analogy between the church and the human body. In this passage, Paul gives us the recurring theme of “one body, many members”. (So, as we consider the body let’s begin with…)

Listening Guide The Church Today Part 5 The Function of the Church

March 3, 2024  Service amd sermon The Function of the Church


The Church Today (Part 4) The Formation of the Church  (Acts 1:1-11)

Theme: The things Jesus left the church to complete

Introduction: I want to speak today on the subject of the formation of church; “five things that Jesus left the church.”  Because I believe, as a born-again believer, and a member of the body of Christ, and the church, I think we should be interested in what Jesus left for you and for me.  As this passage of Scripture opens the Book of Acts, Christ has completed His earthly ministry.  He accomplished everything that God sent Him into the world to do.  Now He is commissioning His disciples to carry on the work that He would have them to do until He would return for them one day.  So, when Jesus went away there are five wonderful things that He left the church that we need to look at today.

Listening Guide The Church Today (Part 4) The Formation of the Church

February 25, 2024 Service and Sermon The Formation of the Church  Due to Technical difficulties, the service and sermon were not recorded.


The Church Today (Part 3) The Fundamentals of the Church  (Ephesians 4:4-6)

Theme: Seven fundamental truths we must embrace to be called the church

Introduction: In our current series, we have been studying the doctrine of “The Church Today.” What the church is. What the Bible has to say about the church. We have confirmed, Jesus Christ is the founder of the church – without Jesus, there is no church. We have confirmed, the foundation of the church is the Bible, given to us by Holy Spirit inspired apostles and prophets. Now today, we want to talk about the fundamentals of the church. (These are the essentials, the ground rules, core doctrines if you will, that we believe) So, what are these vitally important truths?

Listening Guide The Church Today (Part 3) The Fundamentals of the Church

February 18, 2024 Service and Sermon The Fundamentals of the Church


The Church Today (Part2) The Foundation of the Church  (Ephesians 2:19-20; II Peter 1:20-21)

Theme: The Bible is our authority and guide


Introduction: Today’s message in our current series on The Church Today, is entitled “The Foundation of the Church“. As it is with buildings, the study and understanding of the foundation of the church is very important because I believe that all God does, He does through the local church, which is that body of called out, Spirit-filled believers, who have banded together for the purpose of sharing Christ and the purpose of fellowship and ministry.

Our two text this morning firm for us through a key phrase, the church is “built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets”.  So, Paul and Peter tell us here that the foundation of the church is the apostles and the prophets. What does that mean?  It means the apostles and prophets are our foundation in the sense that God through them gave us the Holy Bible, the Word of God. So, it is important that we look today at the foundation of the church which is the Word of God

There is great power in reading scripture and believing in its power. This is why the Word of God is the foundation upon which we build the church and our lives.

Listening Guide The Church Today Part 2 The Foundation of the Church

February 11, 2024 Service and Sermon The Foundation of the Church


The Church Today (Part 1) The Founder of the Church   (Matthew 16:13-19)

Theme: The Church belongs to Jesus

Introduction: Today, we begin a new sermon series, I am calling “The Church Today.” Because I want us to come back to basic understandings about the church today that I think have gotten lost, mis-understood and maybe even mis-represented, over the years. I want us to think today about the founder of the church. Jesus Christ is the founder. He said, ”Upon this rock I will build my church.” As we look at this passage together, there are some important things that our founder (Jesus Christ) has said to us.

We have the power and authority to attack the gates of hell and to share Jesus Christ so that men would be freed from their sin. (And He will give us the victory!)

Listening Guide The Church Today Part 1 The Founder of the Church

February 4, 2024 Service and Sermon The Founder of the Church

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