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The Last Word

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The Last Word (Part 4)  The Trust Ability of the Word

(Matthew 5:18)

Introduction: Today, we are concluding our sermon series “The Last Word.” I titled this series that way because I believe the Bible is God’s book and God’s word!  As such it should be the last word, the place where we go to find God’s will, God’s wisdom and God’s purpose and direction for every aspect of our lives. Like the Old Testament kings, they had God’s prophets to tell them God’s Word, but they also had their own prophets who would tell them what they wanted to hear. But they knew, if they wanted the truth, they had to get from God’s word and they could trust in that word. What about today? Do we have a word from God that we can trust? Yes, we do, and it is the Bible, God’s Word! And that is what I want to conclude this series with, The Trust ability of God’s Word. Now you may be asking, (and I hope you are), what gives God’s word its trust ability? At least four things…

Listening Guide – The Last Word (Part 4)


Service and Sermon – The Last Word (Part 4)


The Last Word (Part 3)  The Authority of the Word

(Matthew 4:4)

Introduction: Both the Bible and Jesus Christ are identified as the Word of God. The Bible is God’s written Word; Jesus is God’s personal Word. Our relationship to one determines our relationship to the other. In other words, if we really want to be rightly related to Jesus, we have to be rightly related to the Bible. We cannot be rightly related to Jesus but wrongly related to the Bible.

So, today I want to deal with the great importance of the authority of God’s Word. Perhaps no spiritual disciple is more important than recognizing the authority of scripture in our lives. Jesus, when He was being tempted by the devil, declared “…man is to live by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” The level of authority we give God’s Word in our lives will be determined by three things…

Listening Guide – The Last Word (Part 3)

Service and Sermon – The Last Word (Part 3)


The Last Word (Part 2)  The Power of the Word

2 Timothy 3:16-17

Introduction: We are in our current sermon series I have entitled “The Last Word.” This is a study on the doctrine of the Bible; why is the Bible so important? Why do we base the foundation of all we believe upon it? Why do we commit our lives to reading it, studying it, loving, and obeying it, and even contending for it. We do these things because the Bible is God’s book, and God’s word!

According Nelson’s Bible dictionary, “The Word of God is the means by which God makes Himself known, declares His will, and brings about His purposes.” …God’s word is the primary means by which He is present and working in the world. He is not Himself part of this world, but He acts in it by means of His word. He becomes personally known through His word (1 Sam 3:21).  His word is powerfully creative (Ezk. 37:4) and its purposes are irresistible (Isa 55:11; Jer 23:29).  And the Paul told young Timothy, “All scripture,” that is “All of the Word of God” is God’s word! And because it is…

Listening Guide – The Last Word (Part 2)

Service and Sermon – The Last Word (Part 2)

The Last Word (Part 1) – The Inspiration of the Word 

  2 Peter 1:20-21

Introduction: In some respects, I am grateful the world is getting better. I thank God for the advances in medicine, transportation, and communication. I Thank God because of our online services we can speak to more people all over the country and world, more than the Apostles preached to in their entire lifetimes. I can write books that can be spread abroad and encourage and grow believers from all over. In areas of scientific achievement, the world has made great progress. But the human heart is still wicked, and all our improvements have not improved our lives in that aspect.

The Apostles Peter, author of this letter to the church, did not expect the world to get better and better either morally or spiritually. He warned the church that false teachers would invade the local churches, introduce false doctrines, and lead many people astray. The world would get darker and darker; but as it did, the Word of God would shine brighter and brighter! (v. 19) But in this passage, Apostle Peter is shifting from God’s world to God’s Word. We can look up at the skies and see the power of God; but when we look into the Scriptures, we see the person of God. This is the …

Listening Guide – The Last Word (Part 1)

April 7th, 2024 – Service and Sermon – The Last Word (Part 1)

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