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Fruit-Filled Living

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Fruit-Filled Living (Part 12)

“A Fruit Basket for Everyone” – (Galatians 5:22 -25)

“…let us…walk in the Spirit.” (v. 25b)



Introduction: As we have seen throughout this series, being filled with the Spirit or walking by the Spirit is basic to the Christian life. The Christian cannot walk independent of the Holy Spirit, generating his own energy and his own power. Success in the Christian life is directly related to walking by the Spirit.

There are 3 things every believer must do in order for them to walk by the Spirit successfully.

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 12)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 12)


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 11)

“The Passion fruit”  – Galatians 5:23

“The fruit of the Spirit is …self-control” (NKJV)



Introduction: Passion Fruit is an edible berry size fruit of certain types of passionflower. It is used in juice concentrates, jams and other products. Passion fruits are sweet tasting and contain a lot of vitamin B, C and iron and is very healthy for us. Like the passion fruit, Paul says, “The fruit of the Spirit is …self-control…” when our passions are under the control of the Holy Spirit, they smell good, look attractive, grow rapidly, and with strong support, promote the growth of other things in our lives.

Paul’s culture (like ours today) was one where passions were out of control!

So, as Paul introduces the last of the nine graces, which are the fruit of the Spirit, we see…

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 11)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 11)


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 10)

“Mango Meekness”  (Galatians 5:23)

“The fruit of the Spirit is …Meekness” (KJV)



Introduction: The mango is the most popular fruit in the world!  But it’s not the most popular fruit in the world because of what it can do, but because of what it is.  In that sense, mango fruit is a lot like the spiritual fruit of meekness. Because the Christian life is not a matter of what we do, it is a matter of what we are. We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit, and the fruit of the Spirit…meekness. But we need to clear up…

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 10)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 10)


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 9)

“Appealing Faithfulness” – (Galatians 5:22)

“The fruit of the Spirit is …faithfulness” (NKJV)


Introduction: We are currently in a sermon series called “fruit-filled living.” We have been examining the Spiritual fruit God wants to produce in us and our lives… speaking of fruit… Bananas are so appealing and loved by many! They are one of the most popular fruits in America, (we import 4 over million tons a year.) But the Bible tells us of another healthier, more appealing fruit than the banana… The fruit of the Spirit is…Faithfulness. Paul mentions “faith or faithfulness” in this letter to the Galatian’s 20 times in 6 chapters, using it 3 different ways to show us, just how appealing faith is …

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 9)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 9 )


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 8)

“Mr. Goodstuff, Who Do You Think You Are? ”  (Galatians 5:22)

“The fruit of the Spirit is …Goodness” (NKJV)


Introduction:  If you want to lose weight, one fruit diet says you must eat nine fruits a day. Raw fruits and vegetables are the best source of energy and nutrition. One of the suggested fruits you should eat are grapes. Not only are they a good low-calorie snack, but they are healthy for you too. Grapes are often called the “Queen of fruits,” because they possess excellent cleansing properties for the human body. Grapes detoxify the body and help build iron rich blood. The fruit of “goodness is just like the grape. Strong’s concordance describes goodness as a virtue. Thyer’s says it is uprightness of heart and life, while Wuest calls goodness the faithfulness and fidelity as produced in the life of a yielded Christian. (i.e.) Christians should be good like grapes! So, if you eat a lot of grapes – good for you, but, when you have the fruit of goodness you’re “Mr. Goodstuff!” Because Christian’s are not just supposed to be good, but we are divinely designed to partner with God and be good for something. If we are going to be “Mr. Goodstuff’s” there are 3 things, you’ll need…

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 8)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 8)



Fruit-Filled Living (Part 7)

“How to be All That & a Bag of Chips”(Galatians 5:22)

“The fruit of the Spirit is …Kindness” (NIV)

Introduction: The poor little Kiwi is a misunderstood and under-estimated fruit. And, overall, kindness has been a misunderstood and very underestimated fruit as well.

When it comes to dealing with people, showing a little kindness can bring healing and restoration to relationships. It can open a door for a positive witness for Christ while all the others doors may be closed.  People who show kindness have successful personal relationships because they really are, “All That and a Bag of Chips!”

So, how is the Spiritual fruit of kindness produced in us? Kindness is a God-like trait because God is kind.

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 7)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 7)


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 6)

“Plum Patient”  (Galatians 5:22)

“The fruit of the Spirit is …Patience” (NIV)

Introduction: Plums are a nutritious fruit, but mostly, plums are noted as a sweet fruit with sweet flesh.

Don’t you just love people who are a good source of nutrition and sweet at the same time. They are the ones that are “plum patient.” But patience like that is only produced as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. And right here the Apostle Paul is telling us, “the fruit of the Spirit is… “Patience (or) Longsuffering… The Holy Spirit’s fruit is designed to develop God’s character in us to be lived out through us. Because part of God’s character is patience, the Holy Spirit desires to produce patience in us. 

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 6)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 6)


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 5)

“I’ll Have a Slice of Peace Please” (Galatians 5:22)

“The fruit of the Spirit is …Peace”

Introduction: Picture yourself on a hot summer day, the sun is scorching, your mouth is parched & dry. What would be better at that moment than a good cold, juicy slice of watermelon? I bet some of you enjoyed some over this hot Fourth of July weekend! Now, as refreshing as watermelons are, so is peace to a world that so desperately seeks it. People everywhere are seeking for peace and right here the Apostle Paul is telling us, “The fruit of the Spirit is… peace” (i.e.) The Holy Spirit provides a slice of peace for every believer!

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 5)

Service And Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 5)



Fruit-Filled Living (Part 4)

“Ain’t That Just peachy?”  (Galatians 5:22)

“The fruit of the Spirit is …joy”


Introduction: Peaches are the world’s third most popular fruit behind the apple & the orange. And peaches are good for us. In fact, the peach is so delightful that it has its own cliché – “Isn’t that just peachy?” = Isn’t that just wonderful? And just as “delight” is the character associated with the peach, so Joy ought to characterize the life of every Christian. The Apostle Paul tells us, “The fruit of the Spirit is… Joy!” But why? There are three reasons:

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 4)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 4)

Fruit-Filled Living (Part 3)

“Love Them Apples!”  (Galatians 5:22, 23)

Introduction: There is nothing better or sweeter than a good apple!



Apples are called the world’s most popular fruit –

Apples are called the world’s most perfect food –

Apples also have many health benefits –

But even with all that going for them, apples are not the world’s most perfect fruit… The fruit of the Spirit is the only perfect fruit, and the fruit of the Spirit is Love… It’s important here that we understand what love the apostle Paul is referring to here.

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 3)

Service and Sermon – Fruit Filled Living (Part 3)


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 2)

“Why Every Christian Should be Fruity!”  (Galatians 5:22-23)

Introduction: Spiritual fruit results from life created on the inside by the Holy Spirit. Then spiritual fruit is developed in us through a series of processes. The first of which is…

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 2)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 2)


Fruit-Filled Living (Part 1)

“What Grows in God’s Garden?”  (Galatians 5:22a)

“But the harvest of the Spirit is…”   (James Moffat Bible)

Introduction: Gardens in the bible often symbolized delight, as they were pictures of happiness and fruitfulness (Ps. 1:1-3).

Paul told the Corinthian church, “We are God’s field.” Now here in Gal. 5:22 he again uses a farming or gardening term to explain how God desires to grow Spiritual fruit in us for our happiness and fruitfulness. Here we see, “Spiritual Fruit-filled living can only grow in God’s Garden.” But how?

Listening Guide – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 1)

Service and Sermon – Fruit-Filled Living (Part 1)

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