Betsey Ellis

My Word! – May 20

Bibliomania Bib-lio-ma-nia Noun an extreme preoccupation with the collecting of books a craze for books or reading   Some say that Shirley has a touch of bibliomania.   This one comes from French and is traced back to the letters of French physician Guy Patin and a letter from 1652.  It is first used in…

My Word! – May 6

Zwitterion – May 6 Zwit-ter-ion Noun An ion holding both a positive and a negative charge Nope, not even gonna try. This one goes back to 1906 and comes from an Old German hybrid for two.  I just sort of liked the way it looked, and it does begin with z.

My Word! April 29

Yarborough Yar-ber-oh Noun A hand of cards in Bridge or Whist containing no Aces, face cards, or cards above a nine. Hilda was very unlucky at Bridge and once was dealt 5 yarboroughs in a row. This one goes back to only around 1900 when the second Earl of Yarborough was rumored to have bet…

More than Vegas!

Nevada is a lot more than Las Vegas you know. It is a relative new comer state, entering the Union as a State on Halloween in 1864 as our 36th State. But the area that became Nevada did not come under U.S. control until the end of the Mexican-American War in 1848. Prior to that…

My Word! – April 22

Xeric Zir-ick Adjective Characterized by or relating to only needing a small amount of moisture. Most so-called air plants can be categorized as xeric. While eventually tracing back to the Greek word xeros (meaning dry), this one only came to existence in 1926 when a bunch of botantists decided they needed a spiffy new word…