Garbage and Recycling Information

Please note that the green/yellow cans are not being used for recycling anymore and can be used as an additional cart for garbage.

Highlands County has three drop-off recycling centers (read addresses & schedules at the end of this email), with two more centers in the future.

 *Here are some regulations:  

~Please make sure to place both garbage carts (blue and green carts) outside prior to 7:00 am on your regular schedule day, each cart should be 4’ separated from the other. Waste Connections (863-655-0005) will pick up garbage between 7:00 am and 9:00 pm.

~Both carts must have their lid closed.

~Do not put any yard or bulk waste in blue or green carts. 

  • Bulk Waste is old furniture (including flattened & tied cardboard boxes and mattresses wrapped in plastic) and appliances.  For Some of the appliances, you must call Waste Connections (863-655-0005), so they can schedule the pickup.

The hauler will only pick up two (2) cubic yards per residence on the scheduled day. They would not pick up bags or boxes full of garbage, and the small items should be placed inside the blue can. Also, the hauler would not pick up items classified as Construction & Demolition Debris (C&D).

  • Yard Waste needs to be placed in a separate container, bagged, or tied in bundles that are less than six (6) feet in length and less than 50 lbs. per bundle, bag, or container.  No roots or stumps longer than six (6) feet and six (6) inches in diameter.  Only two (2) cubic yards per residence will be picked up on the scheduled day.

Recycling Centers:

~Each site accepts plastic bottles, jugs, jars, steel and aluminum cans, clean flattened cardboard, newspaper, junk mail, office paper (not shredded, and other non-coated paper. A separate bin is available for glass.

 ~The Sebring recycling drop-off is at 3200 Lakewood, Dr. Sebring.  Off of Westminster Rd. to the right as you enter Max Long Recreation Field going to the soccer fields.

Hours of operation for Sebring:
2-5:30 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturdays

~The Avon Park recycling drop-off location is in downtown Avon Park at 100 S. Glenwood Ave., with the entrance near the Eddie Cannon Street/South Prospect Avenue intersection.

Hours of operation for Avon Park:

2-5:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays

~The Lake Placid recycling drop-off location is at 25 West Royal Palm Street at the corner of Hickory Avenue and West Royal Palm Street, near the railroad just off West Interlake Boulevard in downtown Lake Placid.
Hours of operation for Lake Placid:
2-5:30 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays

~Residents will ONLY be able to bring items to the recycling centers during the posted hours 

Below are links to two flyers with information.  The first tells us which week is for yard waste and which for bulk, and the second is information about the recycling centers in our area.


2024 calendar      Recycling Flyer 08-09-22

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