
A Deadly Dish When Served

When we’ve been hurt, our instinct is to hurt back. We want to make the other person pay for what they did. But exacting revenge steps over the line into God’s territory. That’s HIS job. ( “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.) Romans 12:19

So, when we shouldn’t take revenge, what can we do? You’re not going to like this answer either, but here goes. We must forgive. But how can we let it go when we have been unjustly hurt? Some make a list of all the people who have hurt them…. If you do that, you must also make a list of all the people YOU have hurt…. Then burn both of the lists. It’s another way of mentally letting go and freeing your mind of guilt and pain you have felt and what you have done to others. (It’s a two-way street).

Refusing to forgive leaves an open wound in our soul that festers into bitterness, resentment, and depression. It will eat you alive.  For our own good, and the good of those who hurt us, we must forgive. What some people think that means is… you’re telling them ‘it’s alright what you said or did to me’. NO!   Forgiveness does not mean we recant the fact that what they did was wrong, instead we hand it over to God and allow Him to carry it for us. (some might call it “Karma”). But whatever you want to call it, it no longer is your burden to bear.

Let go, and let God do what He promised us…He will avenge. If you can do this. It will truly set your mind free in such a way you have never known before. I promise you this, if you ask God to take this burden from you, He will.

We don’t always know why things happen to us, but as one song writer says ‘your world’s not falling apart, it’s falling into place. Be still.’ (that last part, be still, I have a little trouble with myself).

Listen to that still small voice inside your head that you were born with, like it or believe it or not, it’s there. It’s called your conscience; that inner feeling or guide of right and wrong. “What goes around comes around, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Treat people like you want to be treated. The Golden Rule”.  It’s called many things, and it is there for a purpose. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health.

As volunteers here in Tanglewood, we all came here to enjoy our ‘golden years’. So think long and hard about what upsets you and is it really worth your life? Just like physical stress, mental stress like revenge can cause heart attacks, strokes, and death.  What have you got to lose, other than your mind?  So go ahead, take a chance, ask God to help you to forgive those who have hurt you, then you need to ask Him to forgive you for those you have hurt. Yes, that’s the part that ‘comes back around’.

We’re all guilty. Yes, this is a bit preachy but it is a prayer for our community to stop and think about what it really important in your life. We have a church service here in Tanglewood every Sunday morning in the clubhouse. There are other churches around here too. This week, plan on attending somewhere.

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jer 29:11.


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