Tanglewood September Updates

News from Hometown America

Activity Building

Great news! We have finally received the permits and materials for the roof replacement on the Activity Building. The new roof materials and equipment are expected to be delivered on Tuesday September 3rd and Wednesday September 4th. The vendor plans to stage the materials in the parking lot in the front of the Activity Building, and therefore this area will be coned off and we kindly ask that you stay clear of this area. The tentative start date is September 9th and the work is expected to take 2-3 weeks. If there are any changes, we will update you. We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause you. During construction, the activities in this building will be completely closed.  This includes the fitness center, billiards, main room/screen room and the restrooms.  We ask that residents and their guests do not approach this area.

If you had activities planned for the activity building and have not connected with me yet, please reach out.  I’ve tried diligently to reach everyone, and I’m pleased that we were able to assign different locations with minimal events having to be cancelled.

Personnel Changes

We wanted to let you know of a few personnel changes on Team Tanglewood.

Our Office Manager, Candy Bennion, has decided to step away from her position at Tanglewood to focus on caring and supporting her immediate family. Candy has been a tremendous asset to the Tanglewood community, and we can all agree that she has made it a great place to live and work. We will greatly miss Candy and her warm, infectious smile and hope that one day she may be able to return to Team Tanglewood. Our door will always be open for her!

Our Activities Director, Billie Figueroa Pena, also made the difficult decision to step away from her position due to personal reasons and to be closer to family in Orlando. Billie took great pride in building a positive relationships with the residents and those relationships are important to us. She did a fantastic job managing Tanglewood’s busy resident event calendar, coordinating activity reservations, and planning fun events to bring the Community together. She will be greatly missed and we wish her the best.

We are in the process of recruiting for these positions, but want to take the time to ensure we choose the right person for the right fit. We appreciate your patience and collaboration during this process and look forward to working together to welcome new team members soon.

Summer Fun

What a great summer of fun we’ve had!  Tanglewood Residents and Tanglewood Management Team have enjoyed our monthly final Friday water volleyball tournaments.  The original plan was to get a plaque to hang with whoever won the best 2 out of 3 games this summer.  However, we were all having too much fun and nobody really kept score.  In lieu of a plaque, we opted to serve residents hotdogs and beer after August 30th’s game as a thank you for the fun summer and asking us to join the fun.  We look forward to this again next summer!


The September newsletter is now available.  It can be found in print in the clubhouse and main office, as well as online at TWRTimes.com.  In addition, I’ve attached a copy here for your convenience.


Our office will be closed on Monday September 2nd in observance of Labor Day.


Until Next Time – Be Kind and Love One Another!

Angi Cummins, Community Manager

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