Sex, Politics and Religion! What We Can and Cannot Talk About

Imagine a life without sex? No physical attraction, desire, or gender differences to capture anyone’s attention. Call it the Twilight Zone where sex has not even been invented and there is no sexual desire. Everything that made you feel loved, special, or put a little pep in your step, dissolved into thin air. Being beautiful or handsome no longer matters or gives anyone an edge in life. Hormones and Pheromones do not exist. We are all the same, and nothing separates us or makes us different. We all are simply weight, matter, skin, and bone. We are all the same. Sexless beings!

Imagine life without Religion. There is no higher power. There is no forgiveness. Your celebrations around holidays are less appealing because there is no one to give thanks to. When you are sick, you take medicine and hope you will get better, because hope is all you have when there is no Higher Power! When a hurricane is coming, you have your hammer, nails, and emergency supplies. The catastrophe is about to happen, and there is no hope. There are no prayers. Without Religion or faith, there is no comfort. Life is what we see, and what we live, and without God, life no longer offers what we need the most, “hope, forgiveness and prayer!”

Imagine a life without politics. There are no longer symbols like, elephants, donkeys, or flags. Chants of, “Build back better” and “Let’s Make America Great Again” are just words holding absolutely no meaning. They do not exist. Red and blue are merely beautiful colors. There are no longer politicians who lie and divide the population. There are no more 24/7 commercials rambling on, pickled with false promises. Suppose for a moment, we all had the same thoughts, goals and loved our imperfect country as we stand in a circle singing, Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.” We are all neighbors. We are happy. There simply is no politics. There is just love and acceptance.

When I was growing up, Mama always claimed there were three subjects, “Sex, Politics, and Religion” which polite society should never talk about in public. Mom had those feelings because she knew those subjects often left people feeling awkward, mad, embarrassed, and sometimes extremely aggressive. But in our current environment of political fervor, I think mom would be very forgiving of my urging everyone, to talk, until they are “blue in the face,” about the subjects you simply cannot live without, “Sex and God!” And for the next few months, for the sake of peace and tranquility let us all say, “The hell with the great divider, politics!”  Sex is more fun, and God is more forgiving!