Furry Memories

Remember When...

This article is specifically for anyone who had a pet ‘go over the rainbow bridge’ this year. The grieving process of mourning the loss of your pet is real and it is normal.  For your mental health and well being, there are a few things you can do to help get through this painful journey.

After researching and listening to grieving friends tell their story, it confirmed how important it is for the healing process, Although it can get a bit boring to your friends after they’ve heard you tell it a thousand times. One suggestion; record yourself telling the story, then listen to it.  You may find another way to express yourself when talking.  Someday, sometime, a meeting might be set for those who have lost a fur baby. They may be able to tell us newly grieving how to ‘get through it’. Tell what you did when coming back home to an empty front door or with no one peeking out between the curtains while balancing on the back of the sofa.

Journaling has helped for me. Writing down the what if’s and the wish I had done more of this… It really does help get those feelings out there and allows you to have ‘one more good cry’.

Now, to make you smile, how about answering the 10 questions below about your pet. Keep them with you and when you see me again in the clubhouse, (our second home) if you want to share a written copy would be great. Better yet, email it to me and it could end up in an article with no names mentioned. However you deal with it, just know it is normal to feel the loss and time really does help to heal, and concentrate on the good things to remember them bye. Missing my Maggie May/puppy-do.


1. What was the funniest/cutest thing they did when you caught them doing something they shouldn’t have been doing? 

2. What is the scariest thing to happen to them, but left them safe.

3. Who chose who, and where/why/how did you meet them? (1-2 sentences)

4. What was their favorite toy or thing to do?

5. How old when they died, and how did it happen. (keep it to a paragraph please)

6. How do you want us to remember them? 

7. Attach a photo of your pet.

8. Would you be interested in sending a few photos for a possible showcase of photos of your pet doing something here in Tanglewood?

9. Have you allowed yourself ‘a time to cry and a time to laugh?

10. Have you considered getting another pet? If you do, know that you’re not replacing them, you’re opening another door of life to share your love and to be loved unconditionally.