In This World

In This World  (Part 4)

How in this World Can I Be Spirit-filled?

(Ephesians 5:18-21)


Introduction: The Christian cannot walk independent of the Holy Spirit in this world, generating his own energy. Understanding the filling of the Spirit is a critical Spiritual truth for living the Christian life by God’s standards in this world today. Today we will look at three aspects of what it means to being filled:

Listening Guide – In This World (Part 4)


In This World (Part 3)

What in this World Does the Spirit Control?

(1 Corinthians 2:14-16)


Introduction: It is amazing to me how much our world today is like the world of Paul’s day. The city of Corinth during Paul’s time was a very important and ungodly place much like our world today. (1 Cor. 5:9-13; 6:9-11) And Paul is writing to the believers who lived in this city and world, much that was like ours is today to remind us; “But we have the mind of Christ!” even in this world!  Now you may look at this world and wonder, “What in this world does the spirit control?” First, He controls…

Listening Guide – In This World (Part 3)

Service and Sermon – In This World (Part 3)


In This World (Part 2)

What in this World Does the Spirit do?   

(John.14: 16,17) 


Introduction: There are many challenges facing Christians in this world today. But as hard as it can be to live the Christian life in this world, we have been given a helper to enable our success.

As the time drew near for Jesus to finish the work which He came to do. He spent His last hours of His earthly ministry with His disciples in an upper room, telling them and us the most transforming truth any believer can ever get a hold of. Which is the truth about the Holy Spirit. Jesus had a great deal to say about the Holy Spirit in His Upper Room message, because apart from the help of the Holy Spirit of God, we cannot live the Christian life in this world as God would have us live it. We must know who the Holy Spirit is, what He does, and how He does it. So, let’s listen in as Jesus teaches us these three things.  

Listening Guide – In This World (Part 2)

Service and Sermon – In This World (Part 2)


In This World (Part 1)

How Can I Be Spiritual in this World?  (Gal.5:22-25)


Introduction: We don’t have to look far to see we are living in a troubled time and world. The things people want most shouldn’t surprise us in a world full of trouble. But isn’t it amazing the very things people (all people) admire the most, God desires to give us first. The Bible tells us these things are the very characteristics of a “Spiritual (or Spirit-filled) Christian.” So, if these are the same things you want out of life in a troubled world, the answer seems to be – we must become “Spiritual” or Spirit-filled. The question becomes, “How can I be spiritual In This World?”

Listening Guide – In This World (Part 1)

Service and Sermon – In This World (Part 1)